Greater Boston-New Listing Carey Cap Rate Report 20-58
Carey Cap Followers:
For those of that follow the regular posts of my Carey Cap reports my apologies for getting behind.
The market as you can imagine has been fast and furious while we try to complete both the spring and summer markets in just the summer months. There is a lot of great data that will be coming out soon that will show trends in a variety of different directions as we get caught up from the delays caused by Covid in the spring. If there is any market data in particular you want to receive please always feel free to contact me.
I will be catching up on the Carey Cap reports that provide an overview of new residential investment property listings in the urban core and metro urban areas of Greater Boston. There have been over 100 new listings and price changes in these regions the past 30 days of 3+ unit buildings with plenty of opportunity for positive cash flow, above average cap rates and value added renovation and construction opportunities for investors to pursue.
In this Greater Boston residential investment property new listings cap rate report there are a couple of big three family opportunities with 12 and 8 bedrooms in Mattapan and Waltham that are worth pursuing.
Many of these properties have been inspected but the information provided in the report as well as the income/expenses used to calculate the ratings are based on estimates, therefore many assumptions have been made about each of the properties that would require a property visit and/or further research and due diligence before relying on this information to formulate an offer.
For more detailed information about any specific property simply email me at or complete a contact me form at and provide the report # and property number with your request for a detailed report and if you want to schedule a property visit then also provide your availability for showing times.