Greater Boston-New Listing Carey Cap Rate Report 21-121-124

Greater Boston-New Listing Carey Cap Rate Report 21-121-124

For investors who are prepared to close it is a great time to pursue residential investment property opportunities in Greater Boston. Many of the assets on these reports are still available and in some cases after having received accepted offers that did not cross the finish line they are back on market with a seller that wants to complete a trade.

Please also check out our blog the Connector where will be providing interviews with industry leaders along with articles, reports and analysis on various topics to help our Real Estate customers connect to the people and property needed to successfully complete their transactions.

Many of these properties have been inspected but the information provided in the report as well as the income/expenses used to calculate the ratings are based on estimates, therefore many assumptions have been made about each of the properties that would require a property visit and/or further research and due diligence before relying on this information to formulate an offer.

For more detailed information about any specific property email us at or complete a contact me form at Let's Connect and provide the report # and property number with your request for a detailed report and if you want to schedule a property visit then also provide your availability for showing times.

Greater Boston-New Listing Carey Cap Rate Report 21-125-128

Greater Boston-New Listing Carey Cap Rate Report 21-125-128

Greater Boston Traded Assets - Carey Cap Rate Report 2021 - 069-072

Greater Boston Traded Assets - Carey Cap Rate Report 2021 - 069-072