Connecting for a Cause fighting Cancer
This month the Carey Connector is asking for some help.
Carey Connector Fundraising Request
Super Sunday 2020 Race Cancer Foundation
Come out on Sunday and run or donate to my fundraising page -
Connecting people and property through innovative processes that help them achieve their real estate investment goals.
When I started my journey sixteen months ago and began running I did not think at the time I would ever be able to run more than the mile long route that was typically reserved for a morning stroll with the dog, but after a few months and working through some joint pains in my aging body I was able to gradually expand the route to two miles.
At first those two miles through the wooded trails and elevated hill would take nearly 40 minutes to complete which my dog Buddy loved because it gave him more time to chase squirrels and run around with his friends. Gradually I felt myself getting stronger—and it didn’t hurt that several pounds had been shed—so that I could increase my speed and eventually last fall entered my first 5K race. It was the Cease Canine Cancer 5K benefiting the National Canine Cancer Foundation.
I surprised myself finishing in under 30 minutes and entered another race—The Boston Volvo Thanksgiving Day 5K. I have volunteered at this event that benefits the National Multiple Sclerosis Society for over 10 years but this year decided it was time for me to not just direct traffic but actually run the route and keep on moving like this organization’s mantra says. Again I surprised myself finishing just under 30 minutes.
A few months into this journey to improve my health and get better and stronger I received news from a very close family member that they were diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. I am sure everyone has someone they know and love that has been affected by cancer but this was the first in my life of over 50 years that was this close to me with a prognosis that was as aggressive as this one.
The journey she took on over several months of chemo and surgery and recovery was truly amazing to watch and support. Her selfless actions of being more concerned with her children’s activities and wanting to make sure the events in their life were the priority over everything she was going through and needed was inspiring. Now recovered and on route with a positive prognosis and settled back into the daily life of caring for her children and helping out the family I realize that we all need to step out of our comfort zone when taking on new challenges and there are organizations that are helping in the fight against cancer.
I don’t want to compare this at all to the challenges she overcame to get to where she is today, but tomorrow I plan to step out of my comfort zone and run a little farther by taking on the 5 mile (8K) challenge. The event is the Super Sunday 2020 in Cambridge with the race starting at 10:00AM and it supports the Race Cancer Foundation. Any organization that is working toward a cure or bringing the fight to the field like this foundation is doing by providing free sunscreen at outdoor events and venues is making strides toward a world free of cancer.
If you want to join me and 2000 others in the race or the after party I believe you can still register by following this link:
and if you can’t attend but want to donate please follow this link to my fundraising page:
Hope to see you out there on the course and for those that donate to this cause or your favorite foundation supporting the fight against cancer thank you from me and for my Irish twin.